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TPT Week 2



Creative Commons:


MIT Liscence: We chose this for our project. It also for free use of code.

GPL: Allows people to anything other that distribute the project. Requires people like qualcomn to split up product in order to make money while using the liscence.

Creative Commons: Waives copyright interest; part of the public domain.


Personal Identifiable Information:

Risks :


Virus and Malware:


Sometimes code will show API keys that can be taken for malicious purposes.

PII needs to be protected by all individuals as there are a variety of ways in which a variety of individuals can access personal information. When privacy is this hard to maintain, its even more important to protect personal information online, as its far harder to delete data online than in real life.

A good password is one that does not contain any PII, is unique, and is not easy to guess by a third party. It should have a mix of capital and lowercase, numbers, letter, and special characters.

Symetric encryption involves the use of one secret key to encrypt and decrypt information. Asymetric/public key encryption is when two keys are used. One will be public and the other private.

Encryption is used in deployment with HTTPs which uses SSL certificates to make websites more secure.

Lots of scam companies often send emails attempting to bait the user into sending PII. I have recieved many such email.