/* * @param number the number to be tested
 * Precondition: number 0 >
 * @return true if every decimal digit of number is a divisor of number;
 * false otherwise
public static boolean isSelfDivisor(int number) {
    int copynum = number;
    while (number > 0) {
        int digit = number % 10; // get last digit by getting remainder of division by 10 (int will eliminate decimal point)
        if (digit ==0 || copynum % digit != 0) { // if remainder of number and digit isnt 0, not divisble
            return false; // cant have 0, every digit must be divisible
        number /= 10; // divide number by 10 for next iteration in order to get the next digit
    return true;

// Testing method with different inputs
System.out.println("Is 105 a self divisior? " + isSelfDivisor(105)); // Testing number with 0 in it
System.out.println("Is 143 a self divisior? " + isSelfDivisor(143)); // Testing non self divisor
System.out.println("Is 128 a self divisior? " + isSelfDivisor(128)); // Testing given example of self divisor: 128
Is -5 a self divisor? false
Is 105 a self divisior? false
Is 143 a self divisior? false
Is 128 a self divisior? true
/* * @param start starting point for values to be checked
 * Precondition: start > 0
 * @param num the size of the array to be returned
 * Precondition: num 0 >
 * @return an array containing the first num integers ≥ start that are self-divisors

public static int[] firstNumSelfDivisors(int start, int num) {
    int[] sds = new int[num]; // starting empty list with lenght equal to num
    int total = 0; // keeps track of self divisors found
    while (total < num) {
        if (isSelfDivisor(start)) {
            sds[total] = start; // adds selected number 
            total ++; // incremements total added
        start ++; // moves on to next number
    return sds;
System.out.println("First 5 Self Divisors from 13: ");
for (int n : firstNumSelfDivisors(13, 5))
  System.out.print(n + ", ");
First 5 Self Divisors from 13: 
15, 22, 24, 33, 36, 
public class selfDivisor {
    /* * @param number the number to be tested
    * Precondition: number 0 >
    * @return true if every decimal digit of number is a divisor of number;
    * false otherwise
    public static boolean isSelfDivisor(int number) {
        int copynum = number;
        while (number > 0) {
            int digit = number % 10; // get last digit by getting remainder of division by 10 (int will eliminate decimal point)
            if (digit ==0 || copynum % digit != 0) { // if remainder of number and digit isnt 0, not divisble
                return false; // cant have 0, every digit must be divisible
            number /= 10; // divide number by 10 for next iteration in order to get the next digit
        return true;

    /* * @param start starting point for values to be checked
    * Precondition: start > 0
    * @param num the size of the array to be returned
    * Precondition: num 0 >
    * @return an array containing the first num integers ≥ start that are self-divisors

    public static int[] firstNumSelfDivisors(int start, int num) {
        int[] sds = new int[num]; // starting empty list with lenght equal to num
        int total = 0; // keeps track of self divisors found
        while (total < num) {
            if (isSelfDivisor(start)) {
                sds[total] = start; // adds selected number 
                total ++; // incremements total added
            start ++; // moves on to next number
        return sds;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Is 135 a self divisor? " + isSelfDivisor(135));
        System.out.println("Is 31 a self divisor? " + isSelfDivisor(31));
        // print the array
        System.out.println("5 self divisors after 33: ");
        for (int n : firstNumSelfDivisors(33, 5))
        System.out.print(n + ", ");


Is 135 a self divisor? true
Is 31 a self divisor? false
5 self divisors after 33: 
33, 36, 44, 48, 55,