public class Country {
    protected String countryName;
    protected double countryType;
    protected double countryLocation;
    protected double GDP;
    // Constructor for the attributes present in the superclass
    public Country(String countryName, double countryType, double countryLocation, double GDP) {
        this.countryName = countryName;
        this.countryType = countryType;
        this.countryLocation = countryLocation;
        this.GDP = GDP;
    public void name () {
        System.out.println("Country: America");
    public void type () {
        System.out.println("Type: Advanced");
    public void size () {
        System.out.println("Size: Huge");
    public void location () {
        System.out.println("Continent: North America");
    public void GDP () {
        System.out.print("Money: Rich");
public class America extends Country {
    // Additional attribute not present in the superclass
    protected String GDPtype;
    // Constructor for Subclass
    public America(String countryName, double countryType, double countryLocation, double GDP, String GDPtype) {
        // We use the Superclass constructor for the shared attributes through the keyword "super"
        super(countryName, countryType, countryLocation, GDP);
        // hornSound is not in the Superclass, so we add it separately in the constructor
        this.GDPtype = GDPtype;
    // We use override to change the functionality in the subclass of an existing method in the superclass
    public void size () {
        System.out.println("3.797 Million Miles^2 ");
    public void location () {
        System.out.println("Between Canada and Mexico");
    // Here, we don't fully change the functionality of the existing horn method in the superclass
    // Instead, we take all of the functionality of the superclass method, and then add on to it
    public void GDP () {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // 5 argument constructor
        America modelS = new America("Tesla", 396, 4, 200, "Asf");
        // Example of late binding
        Country country = new America("Tesla", 396, 4, 200, "Asf");
        // We can still use the methods from the child class, even though we didn't mention them in the subclass!;
        // Using the overridden method
        // Using the method we added on to
public class Acountry extends Country {
    public Acountry (String countryName, double countryType, double countryLocation, double GDP) {
        super(countryName, countryType, countryLocation, GDP);
    public void size () {
        System.out.println("The Fourth Largest Country!");
    public void dimensions (int a) {
        System.out.println("Length is " + a);
    public void dimensions (int a, int b) {
        System.out.println("Length is " + a + " and height is " + b);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // 4 superclass argument constructor
        Acountry country2 = new Acountry("Apple", 348, 4, 145);
        // Using the overridden method
        // Using the overloaded method
        country2.dimensions(3000, 6100);